Camera reviews, techniques and equipments for all you beginner, novice and amateur photographers. Why you say? Well I started photography in 2005 and still learning the traits. So whatever that I write or post here are basically novice style. So if you are looking the advanced technical stuffs or professional techniques that you can find in photography magazines, well..... not HERE!!!!! Besides beginners and novices make the bulk of all the photography community. We need those simple and clear examples in using a camera. Ok lets get started. I be writing more on Nikon, Epson, Tokina, Sigma and a bit of Canon (hehe my wife using G10) cos I am using them and loving it. So sit down......relaxed yourself....have a sip..... and enjoy this blog. Oh ya..... feel free to comment or contributes on your thoughts and experiences here since all of us are learning Photography...
All images posted here are (C)2009-2011 Sohfian Mohamed Kamari unless otherwise stated.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Open Source software that helps photographer

Getting started in photography is not simply just buy a camera and click away. Of course if you just want to do it for archiving fond memories will be just fine. When we buy a new digital camera, it is normal that the company brand give a free software that will help you in basic editing like framing, crop, resizing and simple tweaks of the images. But if you are really passionate in photography and are very progressive then the only thing that will hinder your progress is having very good advance software that can produce high quality post editing such as from leveling to cloning. This will set you back from a couple of hundreds to thousand of dollars. Softwares like Nik Sharpener, Noise Ninja, Aperture, Adobe Creative Suite, CaptureNX and other licensed plugins. Though this software are very very good, they can actually durnt your pockets. Myself too needed something cheap or free to enjoy this benefits to upgrade your photography skills. For me open sourced software is the way to go. I enjoy using most of this 'free' software as even to got all these professional benefit can really cos a 'bomb'. Though they are not as very good as the licensed software, they can still provide excellent result

Currently, most of my work is done by using this few inages.

Check my images at sofimages blog at or go to my stock portfolio at All my images here are using open sourced software. Of course once I have enough of capital, I will definitely upgrade.

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